The EcoReef Project is an attempt to have an immediate effect on the protection of aquatic habitat and fish breeding grounds, preventing plastic pollution and assisting with soil erosion control. Zero pollution Zero costs to the user Unlimited resources available for production Positive environmental impact Minimal energy consumption Long term use EcoReefs are intended to supplement any environmental initiatives that are already in progress. Read more
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The EcoReef Project
Mangroves take a few years
EcoReefs take a few days
What is an EcoReef? In its simplest form, an EcoReef is a collection of organic material such as twisted branches, as well as rocks and rubble bound together with a long lasting binder. This combination forms a protective ‘cave’ to promote and protect flora and fauna from their inception and on through the juvenile stage until they can fend for themselves. EcoReefs can also safeguard precious Mangroves from being buffeted by human debris. The EcoReef Project operates on three major fronts at this stage, they include – 1. Keeping our waterways clean 2. Protecting fish habitats 3. Reducing plastic waste We’ll start small and scale up as we go Nature needs your help Read more Here’s how you can prove to yourself that the EcoReef system works How to build your own miniature EcoReef EcoReef Small Fish Breeding Caves , EcoReef Baby Fish Protector Caves, EcoReef Small Catfish Breeding Caverns, Shrimp Breeding Plant Anchors

EcoReefs using plastic binders

The EcoReef Project focuses on using heated plastics from waste plastic to bind timber and rubble to create land and water reefs to assist with controlling erosion and to improve fish habitat We will be introducing EcoReefs in their many variations with instructions for anyone to build and use them Read more

EcoReefs - All natural with sisal binders

EcoReefs will be prepared in a number of formats, some of which have natural binders and no plastics. They cover many of our concerns for preventing soil degradation, improving fish habitat and breeding, and protecting waterways among others. Sisal hemp is an excellent binding agent as it provides strong and flexible grip and good lasting qualities Read more

EcoReefs can be produced using waste plastics as binders or ‘all natural’ using Sisal

binders. Both methods are effective with their own distinct advantages.


If you are concerned about putting more plastics into our environment, please rest

assured that all EcoReefs that use plastic binders must be ‘daisy-chained’ and/or tethered

so they can be retrieved and re-used.

No plastics from EcoReefs are allowed to re-enter waterways unless they are completely

in control.

EcoReef Setup EcoReef Waterways
The EcoReef Project uses the ‘Beaver Dam’ method All of us are well aware of the dexterity of the beaver as it goes about its business of creating virtually indestructible habitats using twigs and branches . . . Read more
Sometimes Nature needs a helping hand protecting Mangroves for us humans
Mangroves take a few years EcoReefs take a few minutes
EcoReef Animal Regrowth EcoReef Animal Protection
Mangroves take a few years. EcoReefs take a few minutes.
INVESTORS PLEASE NOTE We will be rolling out a series of investor opportunities that will provide strong returns for investors whilst providing funds to support our free offerings to communities around the world. Please stay tuned and/or contact us for further information.
EcoReef Waterways Kelp
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